Jumat, 26 Juni 2009


Bagi temen-temen yang membutuhkan e-book, dapat segera request kotak komentar, jangan lupa sertakan alamat emailmu, insyaAllah akan segera kami kirimkan, Berikut adalah daftar ebook yang tersedia (PDF format):
  1. Physical Chemistry, Atkins

  2. Physical Chemistry Solution Manual (7th Ed), Atkins

  3. Electrochemical methods. Fundamentals and applications 2ed, Bard A.J., Faulkner L.R.

  4. Chemical Analysis - Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques 2nd ed, F. Rouessac, A. Rouessac

  5. Chemical Kinetics, Denisov

  6. Chemistry for Pharmacy Students - General Organic and Natural Product Chemistry

  7. Chemistry of Petrochemical Processes

  8. Dictionary of Chemistry

  9. Experimental Organic Chemistry

  10. Industrial Organic Chemistry

  11. Introduction to Chemical Kinetics

  12. Modern Analitical Chemistry

  13. Modern Organic Synthesis

  14. Morrison & Boyd--Organic chemistry

  15. Organic Synthesis Strategy and Control

  16. Physical chemistry - atkins & paula

  17. Physics - Quantum Mechanics - A Modern Development

  18. Quantitative Chemical Analysis - Vogel, Arthur - 5th Ed

  19. Unit Operation Of Chemical Engginering

  20. Vogel_practical_organic_chemistry_5th_edition(new)!!!!!!!!

  21. Vogel's Textbook Of Quantitative Chemical Analisis

  22. Inorganic Chemistry Miessler Tarr

  23. Chemical Engineering - OIL - Technip - Petroleum Refining IV Separation Processes

  24. Chemical Engineering - OIL - Technip - Petroleum Refining IV Separation Processes-1

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